Calculator for railroad model
In addition to railroad model production, it can be widely used for plastic model production and other designs.
Of course, there is also Normal calculation function.
Dec 2023 released.
Compatible with iOS15.4 or later. Free. Android version undecided.
This is a calculator app that includes calculation functions necessary when playing with railroad model.
How to use
After launching the app,the first screen that appears is the Home screen, which also serves as a menu.
Swipe and tap the menu on the Home screen to transition to various calculation modes.
You can use various calculation modes to perform calculations necessary for railway model track length and railway model production.
This App offer the following calculation modes.
•Home mode
Home is available simple calculations.
Set F1-F10 memory on this screen.
•Normal mode
It is a normal calculator.
•Straight mode
This mode calculates horizontal and vertical lengths when laying a straight rail diagonally.
•Curve mode
This mode calculates the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lengths when laying a curve rail.
•S-Curve mode
This mode calculates the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lengths when laying a s-curve rail.
•Scale X/Y mode
This mode calculates the scale.
•Inch to MM mode
This mode converts yards and inches to millimeters.
For details on how to use it, there is a manual on "?" button.
Posted Date:15/Feb/2024